University Baptist Church
2720 Wabash Ave
Fort Worth, Texas 76109

Help Strengthen a Bio Family
Hello, I am working with a mom and 4 children ranging from 6 months to 10 years old. They are at risk of losing their housing situation if they do not organize their home in a manner to prevent clutter and chaos. I would like to help her organize her home, but are in need of totes/plastic drawers, and other organizing items. I can meet donor at store to help pick out items or send pictures.
Fort Worth, Texas • 76116
$100.00 still needed
4 Children
1 Adult

Help Strengthen a Bio Family
The mother is a single mother who has endured severe trauma throughout her life. She had multiple children removed from her care and adopted out. Mother has gotten herself back on track and has her own home and she and her one year old daughter would love to have a small television in their home to occupy their time and watch Disney movies together. Mother would also enjoy having 1 or 2 couches for her living room as she has no income. She is engaging with the Department and taking every step necessary to ensure the ongoing safety of her child and provide stability and a safe and comfortable home for her daughter.
Fort Worth, Texas • 76105
$1,100.00 still needed
1 Child
1 Adult

Help Reunify a Bio Family
16 years old female in need of bedroom furniture's. Youth having own space will create a positive environment. Youth have not had own room since entering care. Youth having own space may lead to a permanent placement with bio mother.
Fort Worth, Texas • 76140
$962.00 still needed
10 Children

Help Reunify a Bio Family
Mother of three young children with little support moving into her first apartment and embracing the challenges of raising them on her own.
Fort Worth, Texas • 76116
$2,730.00 still needed
3 Children
1 Adult

Help Strengthen a Bio Family
Household consists of 6 M/O F, 5 YO F, 11 YO M, 12 YO M, 13 YO M, 16 YO M, and 36 YO mom. The concerns came in for domestic violence between mom and step-father (father to the youngest three). During the altercation, step-father also choked the 13 YO and left him with strangulation marks around his neck. Step-father was also drinking and under the influence at the time of him being physically violent. Mom left with the children to a family member's house and is away from the step-father. She has been in this relationship for 12 years and was being financially abused, so she does not have the finances/income to support herself. Her and her children are sleeping on the couches at the relative's home. Mom is asking for bunk beds for her older children to help meet their sleeping needs. The relatives mom moved in with are the paternal grandparents to the 12 & 13 YO. The grandmother is disabled and the grandfather is a full-time employee to provide for the household. Any assistance with this would provide the family with stability after being uprooted from their residence, as well as helping mom with accommodations until she can adjust to her new norm.
Fort Worth, Texas • 76111
$1,300.00 still needed
6 Children
1 Adult

Help Improve a Child's Safety/Wellbeing
A 17 year old is currently pregnant and due in a few months. She is currently staying with a friend of the family and needs help with getting some baby supplies. She is requesting a play pen so the baby can sleep safety when they are born. Any other supplies would be welcome.
Fort Worth, Texas • 76112 • Greater Deliverance Church
$0.00 still needed
1 Child
2 Adults

Help Strengthen a Bio Family
Mother is a mother who is unable to get a job at the moment because of 1 of her daughters being in and out of outpatient/ inpatient facilities. Mother is trying her best to get all 4 of her daughters the help that they are needing but becomes overwhelmed with it all. Mother has limited to no support and aiding her with this. Right now family stays with a roommate while she pushes to get back on her feet. Right now, family is struggling to get hot water fixed as well, anything can help the family. Step father is working to get something but is struggling to sell the hot water heater that he bought that does not fit the home. The family could really use the help getting the children either bunk beds or air mattresses for the time being. Also, if anyone can connect the family with help on the hot water heater, that would be very helpful to them.
Fort Worth, Texas • 76104 • Grace Baptist Church
$0.00 still needed
4 Children
3 Adults

Help Improve a Child's Wellbeing
The mother's oldest child has recently returned to the home. The mother is currently divorced and is raising 3 under age children and one adult children. The family currently has been struggling to pay rent and for food do to this. The mother was struggling to pay for and care for the 3 under age child and now has another person to feed and take care of in the home. These items would help alleviate the stress the mother is facing due to hardships due to concerns with money.
Fort Worth, Texas • 76131
$1,118.00 still needed
3 Children
1 Adult

Help Improve a Child's Safety/Wellbeing
Mom is currently raising 5 children on her own. Mom struggles with mental health issues and is unable to afford new furniture for the apartment. My co-worker, supervisor and I helped mom clean up the apartment to the best of our abilities, but they are in need of a new couch and new beds for the oldest boys. Mom is currently in counseling and is getting the help that she needs to address her mental health concerns. This family is in need of a fresh start. The family is in need of a new couch, 2 bedframes and mattresses, as well as new sheets, blankets and pillows. If you are able to help this family in need, it would be greatly appreciated!
Fort Worth, Texas • 76109
$1,135.00 still needed
5 Children
1 Adult

Help Strengthen a Bio Family
Family consists of 5 YO girl, 6 YO girl, 7 YO boy, 12 YO girl, and 27 YO mom. Concerns came in for physical neglect with the children smelling and having stains on their outfits when coming to school. When speaking with the mother, she mentioned her washer/dryer being broken for the past 3 weeks and she has been having to go to laundry mats to wash the clothes. Each visit has been over $100 to wash all her and her children's clothes and she struggles to have clean clothes for the children. She receives food stamps and housing and just lost her CNA job. The father is not involved in the children's lives. Any help for this family will ensure the mother is able to have her children's basic needs met while also providing financial relief to the family.
Fort Worth, Texas • 76116
$0.00 still needed
4 Children
1 Adult

Help Make a Foster Care Placement
This request is to help a kinship placement transition to a licensed foster care placement. Two brothers, 12 and 15, have been with their fictive kin caregiver for over 2 years. In that time, the caregiver has attempted to become licensed three times but she has been denied due to home repairs that she can not afford. The current licensing agency would be able to license her if we are able to secure are rugs to cover her upstairs flooring. Supporting this request would allow for the caregiver to become licensed and allow the brothers to find permanency together.
Fort Worth, Texas • 76123
$600.00 still needed
2 Children
1 Adult

Help Improve a Child's Safety/Wellbeing
Family has had suffered a loss in the family as well as faced an evection a few months ago. Family has now been ablet to get a new place and maintain financial stability for a few months. Income is limited and family is not able to provide beds for their children. Family has tired air mattress because its withing their budget. However, the air mattress has been destroyed and they are unable to purchase another. Family needs help with bunk beds so the kids can share and have a proper night sleep.
Fort Worth, Texas • 76112
$0.00 still needed
5 Children
2 Adults