Honeoye Falls Churches
31 East St.
Honeoye Falls, New York 14472

Help Improve a Child's Safety/Wellbeing
The family is in need of 2 standard size baby gates. Ideally ones that do not require hardware to be installed to attach the gate to a wall or doorframe.
Rochester, New York • 14616
$100.00 still needed
2 Children
2 Adults

Help Preserve a Kinship Placement
Relative resource/maternal aunt with the help of maternal grandmother are caring for 2 nephews ages 8mos and 2years. The family has limited space and to ensure safe sleeping arraignments they are in in need of a toddler bed and mattress for the 2year old as he can climb out of the pack and play.
Rochester, New York • 14609
$315.00 still needed
1 Child
2 Adults

Help Improve a Child's Safety/Wellbeing
17 year old teenager just was hospitalized for psychiatric reasons due to trying to overdose on medications. mother is needing a lock box to lock all of the medications within the home as she is being strongly advised by the hospital to do so. mother is needing a medication lock box for all of the medications within her home.
Rochester, New York • 14608
$0.00 still needed
4 Children
1 Adult

Help Improve a Child's Safety/Wellbeing
The family consists of parents and 7 children ages from 15-3 months old. The family moved to NY from Africa within the last year and speak Swahilli. There was an incident this week where the 5 year old child's clothing caught on fire and she was sent to the hospital with progressive and significant burns. The home the family rents was found to be very cold in the children's bedroom and the heat vent not working. The family was using space heaters to keep the home warm and may have caught the child's clothing on fire when she walked to the bathroom. The family does not have the funds to purchase items to ensure the children are kept warm in the home. Space heaters can't be used in the home but an electric baseboard heater could help ensure the children's bedroom is warm. The home has minimal items including toys and activities for the children. There is also an infant that could benefit from warm sleep sacks.
Rochester, New York • 14613
$275.00 still needed
7 Children
2 Adults

Help Reunify a Bio Family
***USED IS FINE*** Father just moved into his own apartment and is hoping to have his two sons returned home to him. We are requesting a television for the living room.
Rochester, New York • 14605
$200.00 still needed
2 Children
1 Adult

Help Improve a Child's Safety/Wellbeing
This a married couple that have 7 children living in a 3 bedroom apartment. Two bedrooms are shared by four children sleeping, with two children sharing a twin bed. The bedrooms are not large enough to accommodate two beds and the parents have limited resources and need assistance with beds. We are requesting 2 bunkbeds.
Rochester, New York • 14613
$550.00 still needed
4 Children
2 Adults

Help Preserve a Kinship Placement
Two girls, ages 3 and 10 have been placed with their aunt and uncle as a kinship placement. The girls are need of a set of bunk beds and two twin mattresses to help support and stabilize this placement. Both aunt and uncle work full time, however, have limited income and have to care for their own two children as well their two nieces now. Any assistance with receiving these items would be greatly appreciated!
Hilton, New York • 14468
$400.00 still needed
2 Children
2 Adults

Help Improve a Child's Wellbeing
Child is autistic- non verbal and is working on toilet training. Mother is currently seeking employment but is unemployed. Family is in need of assistance with purchasing 2 packages of size 4T/5T pull up's.
Rochester, New York • 14618
$0.00 still needed
1 Child
1 Adult

Help Improve a Child's Safety/Wellbeing
Relative resource caring for 3 young children is in need of booster seats for transporting them safely. Any help is appreciated, thank you!!
Rochester, New York • 14624
$0.00 still needed
3 Children

Help Improve a Child's Safety/Wellbeing
The youth has been recently placed with an uncle out of state. The uncle has limited funds and could use assistance. The youth is in need of clothing.
Rochester, New York • 14620
$350.00 still needed
1 Child

Help Strengthen a Bio Family
Relative resource caring for two boys, ages 7 and 3, is in need of clothing and dressers for them. She is requesting $100 Walmart gift card to get them some new clothes. Any help is appreciated!! Thank you!
Rochester, New York • 14606
$400.00 still needed
2 Children

Help Strengthen a Bio Family
There is a family in need of support for their home and autistic 4-year-old child. The mother is newly coming out of a traumatic DV situation, trying to get herself and her daughter help and out of the situation as safe as possible. They are struggling with items for their home and in need of items to keep their space safe for the child. In the home lives the grandmother, mother, brother/uncle and child. Child is in need of clothing as nothing fits her, she is size 7/8 in children's clothing and size 2 in shoes.
Rochester, New York • 14611
$750.00 still needed
1 Child
2 Adults