New McKendree UMC
225 S High St
Jackson, Missouri 63755

Help Improve a Child's Safety/Wellbeing
The child has been removed from the home of the mother due to allegations of abuse toward the child. The placement is based on the child's monthly income. The trailer home does not have any smoke detectors. The house does have a gas stove, but it lacks a carbon monoxide detector. The home also requires a 5-pound fire extinguisher to ensure the child's safety.
CAPE GIRARDEAU, Missouri • 63703
$160.00 still needed
1 Child
1 Adult

Help Prevent a Child From Entering Foster Care
A single father raising his children is currently out of work due to recent disability. he is on a very tight budget. He is having to take the child to Southeast Behavioral for treatment 3x a week from Jackson, and it is putting a financial strain on him. Without a bit of help with gas right now, his child will miss crucial appointments, which are essential to both the child's and the family's well-being.
Cape Girardeau, Missouri • 63701
$0.00 still needed
3 Children
1 Adult

Help Improve a Child's Safety/Wellbeing
The father of 3 of our students at Cape Public Schools that had the house fire. He is in need of drawers and curtains. All of his belongings were damaged or burned in the fire. His landlord move them into another rental and they have nothing, but what the churches assisting CarePortal and Care To Learn has supplied them with. Help this family get to a more normal and comfortable place.
Cape Girardeau, Missouri • 63701
$800.00 still needed
3 Children
1 Adult

Help Reunify a Bio Family
Single bio mom is preparing for a home trial visit with her infant son. Bio-mom is currently doing well in our Family Treatment Court program. She has secured stable employment and housing and could use some support securing some household items as she looks forward to bringing her little guy home. I have included the cost of crib comforters, as well as storage containers and some play activities for baby boy.
Cape Girardeau, Missouri • 63701 • CrossRoads Church
$715.00 still needed
1 Child
1 Adult

Help Improve a Child's Wellbeing
Options for Women, Help for Families has a family we've known for about 2 years. The couple started in our DFS classes and worked hard to get custody of their baby back. They found a church, work their sobriety programs and are such loving parents. Dad works 60-80 hrs a week. Mom lost her job and her medicaid status and is now staying home with their toddler. They had a basement flood recently with the large amount of rain in February-in the home they are renting, but no renters insurance. The water was up to and over their washer and dryer. They could use a nice used set if anyone has one and would be very appreciative. This couple has paid it forward to many of our clients by donating alot of their nice gently used baby/toddler clothes, toys and items back to our free room. Thank you for your consideration.
Cape Girardeau, Missouri • 63701
$500.00 still needed
1 Child
2 Adults