Family is in need of a working dryer in order to launder their clothing. 2 adults are in the home, as well as 4 school aged children.
$650.00 still needed
Family is in need of a working dryer in order to launder their clothing. 2 adults are in the home, as well as 4 school aged children.
Electric Dryer
Still needed$650.00 or 1 item
Martin Luther King
Submitted this Request • 1 month ago
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The single mother of four children lost her job recently due to her job schedule not being flexible for her to attend/complete court orders services. The mother is requesting financial assistance to pay for court ordered 20 sessions of sexual abuse awareness, @ $25 per session and $35 registration fee, for a total of $535. Completing this court requirement will not only make her in compliance, above all it will help the mother gain understanding of child sexual abuse and the dire traumatic consequences inflicted to victims of these crimes. It will also help her become a helpful parent to her child who was a victim of this crime and ultimately improve the relationship between mother and children, which will aid in the mother regaining custody of her children.
El Monte, California • 91731
$535.00 still needed
2 Children
1 Adult
Mother and the children are residing with a maternal relative. The family is struggling to make ends meet. Mother is unable to work, as she is caring for her younger children while the older children are at school. Due to the family’s current economic hardship, the older children are sharing an air mattress. Mother is open to receiving bunk beds for the children to sleep. The younger children have access to bassinet/ cribs. The family can also benefit from a dining table with chairs to eat together in the home
Los Angeles, California • 90026
$350.00 still needed
7 Children
1 Adult
The five young children, ages 7, 6, 5, 3 and 2 years old and their mother find themselves in a tough situation as they are homeless and are currently living with a relative. The mother is currently working on finding an apartment for the family. The children sleep on 2 air mattresses located on the floor. The Mother is requesting 2 bunk beds (If possible, full bunkbeds or full bottom bunkbed) so that the children receive the appropriate rest.
Los Angeles, California • 90026
$675.00 still needed
5 Children
1 Adult
The caregiver worked but recently was laid off work. He reunified with his children in January 2015, and has been caring for his children appropriately. He completed all court orders. The father is the only caregiver at this time. Upon the time that the children were detained, the father became homeless and lost his belongings. After he completed his court orders, he was able to secure a stove, refrigerator, and other household goods. At this time, he is in need of a bunk bed for his children. CSW observed that the father has been providing for his children in a timely bases by meeting their concrete needs and emotional needs. The caregiver holds many strengths in that he prioritizes his children well-being and is in connection with the children's’ school. Please help me secure a bunk bed for the children.
Tujunga, California • 91042
$600.00 still needed
2 Children
1 Adult
The child in need is 17 years of age and has been in OKDHS custody for over five years. The child does not have any family support or permanent connections, and the child is currently in dire need of shoes. The client does not have shoes that fit, and his current shoe are so worn and uncomfortable that his placement provider has reported the client is currently walking around the shelter grounds with his socks only, as he reported his only pair of shoes no longer fit, are uncomfortable, and worn. The client suffers from fibromyalgia and his shoe size runs at 13 or 13 1/2 which has made it difficult in the past for him to acquire comfortable and good quality pair of shoes. We are requesting support in providing the client with shoes to help meet his essential and critical need. The client and his permanency team would be extremely grateful if assistance could be provided as soon as possible.
Tulsa, Oklahoma • 73120
$74.00 still needed
1 Child
We have a need for baby clothes for a boy. 0-3 months. Gently used or new clothes please.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • 19124
$100.00 still needed
1 Child
Single mom with an infant son currently in foster care. Mom is trying to get her son back and needs help with basic toddler items. In addition to the requested needs, 2T clothing for a boy is also needed.
Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania • 18657
$585.00 still needed
3 Children
2 Adults
Single mom will be moving into an apartment with her 2 children in 2 weeks. She needs items for her living room and kitchen. Silverware Dishes Cups Pots & pans Utensils Dishrags Couch Loveseat Rocking chair End table Lamps
Liberty, Missouri • 64068
$400.00 still needed
20 Children
1 Adult
One of our Woodstock City families are closely connected to a single mom and her son who live in our community. Unfortunately the family's apartment recently flooded due to a pipe burst in the wall. The apartment complex is working to replace/dry out the carpet, but many of their things are ruined. They do not have renters insurance. They are in need of a dresser. Here is an idea of something that will work in their space: <a href="" target="_blank"><span class="italic text-brand">Go To Link</span></a> ###-#### Thank you for praying for the family as they settle back into their apartment.
Woodstock, Georgia • 30189
$100.00 still needed
1 Child
1 Adult
An apartment fire has left a mom and her four kids homeless. Their special circumstances limit the number of apartments that are available to them and are waiting for application approval and availability. The caseworker is trying to find a workable solution but until that is available we can help provide safety and comfort by providing a hotel stay for several days.
Wichita, Kansas • 67226
$650.00 still needed
4 Children
1 Adult
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