A family is currently living in a van with access to water to save money so that they may make their way back to Michigan where they have extra family support. The family includes a mother, father, a 3yo boy and 1yo girl. Due to not having family support nearby or any childcare, the mother does not work, and they rely on the father’s income which is around $3,300 a month (full time) for a family of four. The family has stated they cannot afford the cost of living in Pinellas County on his sole income. While living in an apartment, they were receiving WIC and Medicaid for their daughter, but the father stated they have since lost it all which is making money tight. The family is currently behind on a storage unit bill of $246 and they have an upcoming bill due March 8th of $98 for the storage unit. The father feels as though they are constantly playing catch-up and have been able to pay for necessities such as water, food, phone bill, etc. but they are worried they will lose their storage unit with all their valuable belongings before they are able to make the move. The father stated that things would be easier financially if they were a dual income household, but the mother must stay in the van and take care of the children while he is working and providing due to not having childcare. Their sustainability plan is to obtain childcare, the mother hopefully having a part time job to save up so that they may return to Michigan.