We have a 19 year old former foster youth, who is considered a Non Minor Dependent (NMD) participating in our Transitional Housing Program. She is a Parent of a two year old son. This NMD Is Trying to complete her HS diploma, She is a former CSEC youth, that is in the process of Updating her childs BC so she is not able to obtain child care through the county until this process is complete. We do not have an exact time line but 3-4 months is the window. We are looking for daycare services or a service that is willing to sponsor her daycare cost until she is able to recitify the BC and apply through EOC or the county. Her School days will be M-F from 8am-2:30pm. So she would need all day services. Any assistance she can utilize will be extremly helpful and contribute to the long term success of the NMD and her Son.